
From the stove, to the chopping board, and everything in between. Here are some tips that we thought might make your cooking preparation faster, and better your time within the kitchen.


 1. Season your food as much as your taste buds desire. 
Photo Cred: Sarah Pflug

This can differ for everyone. Getting just the right amount of flavor and spice within your dishes makes eating them worth the wait. 


2. Always make sure you have all ingredients and tools ready before you start cooking.

Photo Cred: Sheila Pedraza Burk

This might sound obvious to most but this helps save lots of time and extra hassle when cooking.


 3. Put a damp paper towel under your cutting board.

Photo Cred: Rohann Agalawatte

A damp paper towel beneath the cutting board prevents it from moving when cutting foods on it with a sharp knife. A simple but effective tip.


4. Trust yourself!

Photo Cred: Jose Silva

This is an important tip and lesson in and out of the kitchen. When cooking, if something doesn't look cooked all the way or doesn't taste right, it probably isn't. Follow your instincts and make the changes you desire to your recipes. Who knows, you could have saved yourself from a burnt or undercooked meal.


5. Continue to clean as you continue to cook.

Cleaning frequently while cooking can save you time from a big clean up in the end, and keeps your cooking space clean and ready for the next task at hand.


 6. Always Always Always wash your hands before and after cooking.

Photo Cred: Matthew Henry

Washing hands is a must because it prevents the spread of germs onto food and around the kitchen.


7. Take your cookies out of the oven before they are fully done cooking.

Photo Cred: Sarah Pflug

The taste of a warm and soft cookie always brings joy. Pulling those warm cookies out of the oven early will give the cookies time to cool, and they will continue to cook on the tray for a bit after being pulled out.